
↓ブッシュ風刺画で米の高校生を聴取 「過剰反応」と波紋(朝日新聞






(04/29 14:58)

↓School, Secret Service defend their questioning of student's anti-war drawings(Seattle Post-Intelligencer)

PROSSER, Wash. -- Officials at Prosser High School, and even U.S. Secret Service agents, are wondering why a student's anti-war drawings are sparking national attention.

Secret Service agents questioned the 15-year-old boy last Friday about his drawings, one of which depicted President Bush's head on the stick. Another pencil-and-ink drawing depicted Bush as a devil launching a missile, with a caption reading "End the war - on terrorism."

Since then, the story has drawn national media attention, and school and city officials reported receiving hundreds of calls and e-mails accusing them of limiting free speech.

"We would never step on anybody's right to free speech," said Kevin Lusk, principal at Prosser High School. "We teach free speech. This wasn't about that. It was about student safety."

The student, who has not been identified, drew graphically violent pictures in a sketchbook for an art class assignment, Lusk said.

Lusk declined to say what the assignment was, but said two of the drawings featuring the president were not a concern. Instead, he said, the concern was that more than a half-dozen sketches contained a variety of violent messages.

School officials refused to describe what those sketches depicted.

The boy's art teacher turned the drawings over to school administrators, who notified a police officer assigned to work with the high school campus. Police then turned the drawings over to the Secret Service.

School officials disciplined the student, but refused to say what the punishment was. The boy stayed in school, Lusk said.

The boy was not arrested.

"We do these interviews all the time," said Kevin Miller, resident agent in charge of the Secret Service's Spokane district. "I don't know why this one is so much more interesting. I don't know if it was a slow news day or what."

Wallace Shields, special agent in charge of the Secret Service district office in Seattle, said the job of his agency is to determine whether there is an actual threat or danger to the president's life.

"The drawing in itself is not the threat," Shields said. "It's the intent behind it and the capability of the person to act upon it."

The attention prompted several Seattle-area members of the American Civil Liberties Union of Washington to call the organization, which will examine whether the student's right to free speech was violated, spokesman Doug Honig said.

Honig said case law shows that students have a right to political speech, as well as depicting violence if the threat is not real.

↓Secret Service confiscates anti-Bush drawings by 15-year-old at Prosser High(Seattle Post-Intelligencer)