
CNET Japan Blog - Lessig Blog (JP):そしてスタンフォードCISの大勝利

あるオンライン掲示板への匿名の参加者がAmpex社とその会長を批判するコメントを書き込んだ。批判された側は名誉毀損の訴えを起こし、投稿者はカリフォルニア州の反SLAPP (strategic lawsuit against public participation、公衆の言論を抑圧する戦略的訴訟)法で応じた。Ampexは訴訟を取り下げて逃げだそうとした。控訴裁は取り下げによって反SLAPP法による訴えを免れることはできないとしたが、州地裁は訴訟費用の原告側負担は認めなかった。しかしいま控訴裁判所は地裁の決定を覆し、原告側に訴訟費用の負担を命じた。

AMPEX CORPORATION et al.,Plaintiffs and Respondents,v.SCOTT CARGLE,Defendant and Appellant.(pdfファイル)

Message number 112255, posted by Exampex, read in part: “Well, let me tell you something. I was an employee with INEXTV for a while. Guess what? They did market research AFTER we launched the websites, not before. They spent millions before they even looked for a market. Then the geniuses got about 10 people in a room and asked questions like, ‘How would you like to see exciting videos on your computer that will help you make millions of dollars and become fabulously famous?’ . . . [¶]
I just wonder how the crooks fooled everyone for so long. The websites rarely worked. The content was so boring and stale that no one even noticed we existed. The production values sucked because the equipment was cheap (my son has better TV equipment at his high school) and the majority of the production staff were interns. . . . [¶]
All in all, it was the most miserable, sleazy, cheap operation I have ever worked for. . . . The production department bought studio equipment that couldn’t be used (because it was bought on the gray market somewhere and all the operating manuals were in FRENCH, for crying out loud! No one could read them!) During a shoot one day, the VP of Programming stole a Razor scooter from the company who was marketing the toy (he has triplets and tried to
steal three.how cheap is that?).”

The next day Exampex posted message number 112281 under the header “all is true.” It read in part: “I can’t prove I worked for them without posting a check stub and I’m not that stupid. [¶]
I will tell you that Ed said people who smoke marijuana should be taken out and shot; and upon hearing a single mother had contracted AIDS, he said, ‘Serves her right.’ So not only is he incompetent, he’s cruel.”

The final message, number 112299, under “Re: all is true,” contained the following: “I just thought after all this speculation about what happened, it might be interesting to hear from someone who saw. [¶]
It was total incompetence. It was a bunch of old guys sitting around trying to make money with a new media that they
didn’t understand.”

とても面白いテキストなんだけど、うまく翻訳できない。「he’s cruel.」とか言ってるし。匿名掲示板にAMPEX社をやめた内部告発者が書いたテキストだったようなんだけど(テキストでは実名出てます)、元の名誉毀損訴訟とかも見たいものであります。英文全部読めば書いてありそうな気がする。